Brow Lift

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Forehead lift

Are you frustrated with sagging skin in your forehead region? Then the forehead lift and eyebrow lift, also called "the brow lift," may be just what you're seeking

What is a brow lift?

A forehead lift can be performed using one of three common procedures: an endobrow lift performed through an endoscope, an open brow lift, or a temporal lift. The procedure cosmetically corrects sagging in the forehead skin, upper eyelids, and eyebrows.

How is a brow lift procedure performed?

Brow-lift procedures have evolved from open techniques to more complex short incision and endoscopic techniques. A brow lift usually involves incisions in the hair-bearing scalp, but sometimes incisions are made in the forehead and/or the upper eyelids.

• Open brow lift

• Endoscopic brow lift

• Limited incision technique

The type of brow lift you undergo will be based on your facial features and aesthetic preferences. The goal of your aesthetic plastic surgeon and the entire staff is to help you achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results, as well as to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

Your surgery should be completed within two hours and you will not normally need to stay overnight. However, you will need to bring someone along who can drive you home and, if you live alone, stay with you the first night or two.

What should I expect after brow lift surgery?

Your recovery is going to vary depending upon which procedure you had: a classic or endoscopic brow lift.

The swelling should be gone in about a week. For at least two days following surgery, you should keep your head elevated to help alleviate the swelling, and you can gently apply ice packs to the affected region.

In either case, you may also experience numbness or tingling. This will subside over time

Most patients can return to work or school within 10 days, some sooner, depending on which procedure you underwent and your own personal rate of recovery.

You should be sure to avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exercise or other activity for the first few weeks after surgery.

What results one can expect after brow lift?

By raising the soft tissue and skin of your forehead and brow, a brow lift can give your face a more youthful appearance.

It is important to have realistic expectations when undergoing cosmetic surgery. The results are often permanent


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