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Breast Lift (mastopexy)

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Dr Nirved Jain - Breast Lift Specialist

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Mastopexy or Breast Lift is a plastic surgical procedure for raising the sagging breasts upon the chest of the women. The excess skin and tissues from the breast are excised giving due consideration to the viability and sensitivity of the NAC (Nipple Areolar Complex). This surgery can be combined with either breast augmentation or reduction. It is meant only to improve the self-image of a woman and has no functional value.

What is Mastopexy or Breast Lift?

If the breasts are sagging and loose because of weight loss, ageing or post lactational gland involution, they can be made more aesthetically pleasing by Mastopexy. Generally, if the breasts have lost their firmness and the nipple areolar complex is either at or below the inframammary fold the women look much older. Such breasts can be made to look young again by Mastopexy.

Am I a candidate for Mastopexy?   

If you have sagging breasts and you are unhappy with the way they look, they have lost their firmness than you are a candidate for Mastopexy. For undergoing this surgery you should be physically fit, mentally stable, should not have a keloidal tendency and have realistic expectations.

What is the right age of breast lift?

The right time to get a breast lift is after your family is complete. If you are contemplating more pregnancies it should be postponed till your family is complete. Otherwise, any age is fit to undergo this surgery if you are mentally and physically stable.

What are the different techniques of Mastopexy?

The type of Mastopexy chosen depends on the amount of sag or ptosis that is present.

  • The Crescent Lift: It is done for patients who have a minimal degree of ptosis that is the nipple areolar complex is dropping but still above the inframammary fold. In this operation, a small crescent-shaped piece of tissue above the areola is excised and sutured. This creates a minor lift if there is loss of volume than it can be combined with breast implant/augmentation.
  • The Benelli Lift: This technique is designed for women who have minimal ptosis but more skin laxity. In this method, a doughnut-shaped piece of tissue around the areola border is removed and the surrounding tissues are reattached to the areola with purse string sutures. This gives a lift with circum-areolar suturing.
  • The Benelli-Lollipop: This technique is used on women who have a medium amount of ptosis that is the nipple areolar complex is just at or below the inframammary fold. This lift is the same as Benelli but with a straight incision from under the areola to the mammary fold.
  • Full Mastopexy: This is done for women who have a severe amount of ptosis with too much excess skin and the nipple areolar complex is much below the inframammary fold. This is the most invasive breast lift technique and is done with a circum-areolar incision, the vertical limb starts at the base of the areola and goes down straight to the mammary crease and then a horizontal crescent-shaped piece of skin and is removed at the inframammary fold. This gives major scars but is necessary for severely sagging breast.

The Technique to be followed is decided according to the degree of ptosis and sometimes may be combined with augmentation or reduction mammoplasty. However irrespective of the technique the goal is to get rid of the excess sagging skin and recontour the breast to aesthetic proportions so that it’s pleasing to both the eye and touch.

Is there much pain associated with Mastopexy?

Normally the pain is not much and well taken care of with medications. For the first week, there is a feeling of discomfort and soreness. After the first week, the pain is not felt. If there is excessive pain associated with or without fever than the surgeon must examine for any collection inside.

What should I expect postoperatively?

Most of the sutures are placed beneath the skin and dissolve in a span of six months. Few sutures placed above the skin resolve within two weeks. Steristrips and tissue glue are placed above the sutures to support the suture line. A supportive bra is warned continuously for three to six weeks. Walking is resumed the day after surgery and normal work after a week. Most sensations return within three to six months but sometimes may take longer.

When can I return to work?

Though normal activities are resumed within three to four days it is best to stay at home for two weeks till you are completely normal. Strenuous activities and weight lifting are avoided for a period of three to four weeks.

When will I able to see the results?

The results are visible immediately but the final outcome is better appreciated after three weeks when most of the swelling has subsided.

What are the risks of Mastopexy?

Apart from the usual risk of any surgery like a reaction to anaesthesia drugs, bleeding, infection, seroma and tissue necrosis, the specific risks pertaining to Mastopexy are permanent sensory loss and wide scars.

How long the Mastopexy results are last?

The results of Mastopexy last anywhere between five to ten years depending on the age at which Mastopexy is done and bra wearing habit. Older patients with poor skin elasticity need a revision earlier. Wearing breast support continuously makes a Mastopexy last longer.

Book An Appointment to discuss or consult your options with Dr Nirved Jain (Most trusted name in Breast Lift Surgery)

See Before & After Breast Lift Photos of Our Blue Venus Plastic Surgery Patients.


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