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Dr Nirved Jain - Breast Augmentation Specialist

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is one of the most sought after cosmetic surgical procedure all over the world and also the most satisfying one, as it helps you achieve a bust of your dreams. It gives fullness and firmness to the breasts restoring the youthful appearance. Also, the desired volume is restored which may be lost because of hypomania, post-lactational involution, massive weight loss /ageing.

Who can benefit from a breast augmentation?

The best candidates for breast augmentation are women who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or fullness of their breasts.

If you've lost a lot of weight and your breasts are deflated, or post-pregnancy breast augmentation surgery can help you to regain the shape that you want.

What are the different types of implants available for breast augmentation and how to choose which ones for me?

Dr Nirved has over 29 years of experience of beautifying thousands of patients spread all across the globe. She has extensive training and experience and can help you achieve the look you desire.

Dr Nirved will speak with you in great detail at your initial consultation about your goals and your options for breast augmentation.

There are two main types of breast implants—silicone and saline. They will also present you with options for type, size, shape, profile, and texture to help you to achieve the results you want.

How long will I stay in the hospital?

Breast augmentation surgical procedure typically lasts around 2 to 3 hours. If you cannot organize for someone to take you home and care for you for on the first day, then it is best to plan to spend one night in the hospital.

How long will it take recovery after surgery?

Most people having breast implant surgery are able to drive one week after surgery, can return to work and gently start exercising after one week. You cannot perform any exercise that involves your elbows moving outwardly away from your body for six weeks.

Most patients feel tired and sore after breast augmentation surgery, but this usually passes in a day or two. Any postoperative pain, swelling, and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Scars from breast augmentation incisions will begin to fade in a few months and will continue to fade for months or years. (you can check the last line & can suggest the time to remove the scars).

Do breast implants last forever?

Breast augmentation surgery gives a highly satisfying result, with an instant improvement in your appearance and self-esteem. While we use the highest quality breast implants available and meticulous surgical techniques it is still possible for problems such as capsular contracture, infection, malposition and leaks to occur. (Though these complications are extremely rare in our centre 0-1%.)

Scientific recommendations are that even without complications the implants should be replaced or removed after fifteen to twenty years of primary surgery.

Can I still breastfeed after undergoing breast augmentation & is it safe for my child?

Usually breastfeeding with breast implants is considered safe and there is no danger to the mother and her baby, and there are also no known breast implants and breastfeeding dangers. In the case of saline implants, the implants are filled with saline water, and in case they get ruptured the saline water is immediately absorbed by the body.

Is there much pain associated with breast augmentation surgery?

Just like any other surgical procedure, patients do feel mild pain post-surgery, but it is taken care of by prescribing appropriate medication. However, these pain thresholds vary from person to person. (taken from aesthetic

What is the age to undergo breast implants surgery?

Any lady between eighteen to sixty-five years can undergo this surgery if she is otherwise medically fit.

Can a diabetic patient undergo breast augmentation ?

Yes, if the diabetes is well under control before and at least three weeks after undergoing the surgical procedure.

Book An Appointment to discuss your options or consult with Dr Nirved Jain (Most trusted the name in Breast Augmentation surgery)

See Before & After Breast Augmentation Photos Of Our Blue Venus Plastic Surgery Patients

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