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Dr Nirved Jain - Liposuction Specialist 

Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery removes excess deposits of fat to sculpt an improved shape to a patient's body. While liposuction is best known as a fat removal procedure, it is also one of the best procedures to help a patient refine his or her shape.

What liposuction can treat?

Liposuction can be performed in almost any area where there is a significant accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Areas commonly targeted with liposuction are the neck (under the chin), upper arms, male chest/breasts, trunk, abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inner knees and calves. And once the fat is gone, it will not return to the treated area, unless the patient gains a significant amount of weight.

Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift, breast reduction or a tummy tuck.

How is liposuction performed?

Liposuction can be safely performed using epidural anaesthesia, intravenous sedation, or local anaesthesia, depending on the amount of estimated fat removal. Your cosmetic surgeon will recommend the anaesthesia method that is most appropriate for your needs.

Your surgeon will make one or more small incisions near the treatment area. A cannula, or thin tube, is inserted through these incisions to loosen excess fat beneath the skin. Then, the fat is suctioned out. The entire procedure can take under an hour or up to 3 hours or longer, depending on the number of areas/ amount of fat removal.

Recovery after liposuction?

Today's advanced liposuction techniques are designed to minimize swelling, trauma and discomfort, and when the procedure is performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, recovery from liposuction can be remarkably quick. Many patients return to work just a few days after their procedures, depending on the physical requirements of their jobs and the extent of their procedures.

Does liposuction surgery leave scars?

With proper care, scars should fade significantly over the months following surgery; in many cases, scars are barely visible after a year or so.

How is the procedure done?

One/Two small incisions are made near the treatment area usually 0.5 to 1cm. The cannula is inserted through these incisions and an equal amount of saline mixed with various drugs are injected to induce tumescence. Then through the same incision, infrasonic liposuction is done with the help of NIL (nutational infrasonic Liposculpture).

What are the chances of regaining the fat again?

Liposuction removes fat cells from your body, and these fat cells do not grow back as they never multiply. Each individual is born with a fixed number of fat cells. When we become fat our fat cells grow big like a potato and when we lose weight these fat cells shrink in size to as small as a mustard seed. However, it is important to maintain a stable weight to ensure that your new look remains optimal. If you gain a significant amount of weight in future, your overall appearance is likely to change as your body stores excess fat in other locations where fat cells are still present. In the area of liposuction, you don’t become fat as there are few fat cells available to store fat.

Is liposuction safe?

When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, liposuction is a safe procedure and an excellent way to improve the shape of your body.

How long we need to stay in the Hospital?

Depending on the amount of fat removal and associated medical ailments the patient may need to stay from one to three days.

Book An Appointment to discuss or consult your options with Dr Nirved Jain (Most trusted name in Liposuction)

See Before & After Photos Male Liposuction and Female Liposuction of Our Blue Venus Plastic Surgery Patients.  


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