Dr. Nirved Jain-Rhinoplasty Specialist
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)
The nose is the single most important feature in a face defining the pride, sharpness, and character. Rhinoplasty sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, is one of the most challenging and difficult cosmetic operation requiring utmost surgical skills. A well proportioned and chiseled nose enhances facial aesthetics multifold.
Rhinoplasty is a facial cosmetic procedure, usually performed to enhance the appearance by reshaping the nose. During Rhinoplasty, the nasal cartilages and bones are modified, or tissue is added, to improve the visual appeal of the nose. Rhinoplasty is also frequently performed to repair nasal fractures also.
How Can a Rhinoplasty change your Nose?
Like any other cosmetic procedure, it is important to have realistic goals and they should be defined properly in consultation with the surgeon preoperatively. The results are mostly dependent on the anatomy and skin texture of your nose. A wide nose can be narrowed at the base. If the dorsum has a hump this can be lowered. The tip can be modified if it is over or under projected, wide, round or uneven. The nostrils can be narrowed if they have an excessive flare. The long nose can be made shorter and vice-versa. The individual elements of nose have to be worked on separately to create a beautiful, harmonious and well-balanced nose.
How Rhinoplasty is performed?
Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia but sometimes small corrections or tip job may be done under local anesthesia. In this operation, small cuts are made either inside or outside of the nose depending on whether an open or closed Rhinoplasty is planned. The skin is separated from the skeletal framework and modification of both the cartilaginous and bony framework is done. Sometimes tissues such as bone, cartilage, fascia or dermis are added to camouflage or augment.
How many days of hospitalization are required?
Generally, the patients are required to stay in the hospital from 24 to 48 hours.
What results one can expect after Rhinoplasty?
Although rhinoplasty is a relatively safe but technically demanding procedure, healing from it can take a while. Tip of the nose is especially sensitive and can remain numb and swollen for months. You are fully recovered in three weeks, but some effects can linger for months. It could be a whole year before you can fully appreciate the end result of your surgery.
What are the possible complications?
When considering Rhinoplasty, or any other cosmetic and elective procedure for that matter, there are risks to keep in mind. Although it is considered to be a very safe procedure, "The biggest risk of Rhinoplasty is a poor outcome, which is why they have the highest revision rate of any plastic surgery procedure performed".
What is the right age of undergoing Rhinoplasty?
Any cosmetic Rhinoplasty has to be deferred until the facial growth is complete that means at least 13 years of age in girls and 15 in boys. However, there is no upper age limit if the patient is medically fit to undergo surgery.
Will Rhinoplasty affect my breathing?
Although it is a potential risk to have impaired breathing following Rhinoplasty due to collapse of the nasal walls it never happens in expert hands.
If I am not happy with my previous nose surgery when can I get a revision done?
Any revision surgery on a previously operated nose should be done after a minimum gap of one year.
Is Rhinoplasty a painful surgery?
Like any other operation, it is painful but with the help of medications, the patient is kept absolutely comfortable.
What is a non-surgical Rhinoplasty?
With the extensive use of fillers in facial rejuvenation, they are now used in modifying the shape of a nose as an office procedure. A filler can be used to augment a dorsum, camouflage small defects, sharpen a round tip. The results are instantaneous but temporary. They have to be repeated after a year. Still, because of the ease of the procedure patients seeking it are constantly on the rise.
BOOK AN APPOINTMENT to discuss your options with DR NIRVED JAIN (Most trusted name in Rhinoplasty Surgery)
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